Monday, January 28, 2013

Unreal workout

I had a killer workout yesterday. 

Recently, Lifetime Fitness added a 90-minute performance spin class to the Sunday schedule.  I've completed it three times and have really enjoyed the workout!  For sure it's challenging but quite doable.  

A new goal of mine this year is to run (if only for a short distance) after a bike workout.  I've read a little about this strategy and they say that your legs become better conditioned and are able to to transition from biking to running more effectively and efficiently.  I've managed to run after many of my spin classes and with this new 90-minute class the following run is challenging but doable.

For the last few weeks I'd wondered about doing back to back spin classes...the 90-minute class is followed by a 60-minute class with a nice half hour break between them.  So yesterday, my schedule called for a 2-hour bike segment. I did the 90-minute class followed by a 1-mile run and then did the 60-minute class!  I was toast afterwards.  I took a sauna & stretched and then went home and stretched again.  I was moving a little slow around the house for most of the day.  Fortunately, it snowed and I needed to shovel and snowblow the 2-3 inches we received which forced me to get outside and move around a little!    


  1. I like the blog, Lee. Looking forward to checking in once in a while and seeing the progress towards your September Ironman event. What you're doing is admirable.
    Keep up the good work!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry I missed the ride, time.
    STTP! looks great!

    Coach D
