Kenya Children's Fund posted a bit of my Ironman Adventure story on their website. For those of you that do not know what I'm trying to accomplish please visit the KCF website, it will give you a quick recap!
I am celebrating my
During the intense training process of the next five months, I will make the focus of my individual race performance secondary. Instead I will focus my efforts on benefiting the Kenya Children’s Fund, a group dear to our family. Kenya Children’s Fund is a mission dedicated to curbing acute poverty in Kinyago Dandora, one of the poorest slums in Nairobi, Kenya.
So, as part of my process, I am looking for sponsors. All of the funds from each sponsored mile of the 140.6 mile race will provide food, clothing, and education for a KCF student.
Triathlon requires vast amounts of time to train, which often means sacrifices made by my family, friends, and employer. With so much focus and dedication being directed inward, I must be careful about losing perspective and placing an unhealthy emphasis on my athletic pursuit. I must remind myself that triathlon is a sport, a form of recreation, and a hobby. Sure, participating in triathlon reaps significant benefits, but keeping a healthy balance of life along the way is essential to my overall success. I must remember that it does not pay my bills (actually just the opposite), my family misses my time and attention as I train, and it can become a distraction to my career.
Realizing that balance is critical. I admire those who take emphasis away from their individual effort and dedicate it to a higher cause. Professional triathlete Chris Leito, for example, founded More Than Sport that “seeks to set a pace to help those the world forgets. …More than Sport is committed to making a positive impact in every community where they race. They want to see lasting change and improvement in the lives of children and families and they know that small efforts can go far.”
Please join me in support and prayer as I compete in more than a race for the precious Children of Dandora.
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