Not having a good sense of who reads this blog, it can be difficult to know what events to write about. My guideline will be to reflect on the celebrations and challenges I face as I prepare for the big event in September.

Liz is making steady progress with stamina, arm and finger usage and general mobility. Each day we see incremental progress. She is able to do most rudimentary things at least partially by herself. Tomorrow will be a big day as we see the surgeon and receive our first post-op exam with x-rays. I'm told the x-rays will determine the next step as relates to the arm casts. If enough healing has occurred she will qualify for a removable cast, if not, hard casts will be required.

Long story short...On Saturday, Sarah's 4-H horse bowl team placed second in the regional competition and qualified for the state competition in April! Funny how things work out...they lost their first match and ended up in the losers bracket. But then, they won 4 losers bracket matches and qualified for the regional championship! Ironically the team they played for the championship was the same team they played (and lost) earlier that morning that sent them to the losers bracket. Sarah's team lost again but placed second overall! As you can imagine travel with Liz was difficult but, she wanted to see the action so I made it happen!
My training and fitness is going really well. Despite the accident I had strong efforts in swim, bike and run this week. The accident forced me to use my home bike's good to be back in the saddle! My bike fits me like a glove and it's like reuniting with a long lost friend. Masters swim class was great this week; I left feeling strong and invigorated! My run continues to improve; I managed to get in a 3, 5 and 10 miler this week. The 10 was outside this morning and unlike earlier runs where I felt like I had "concrete feet," today I could have run all day! Yea for me! My season opener half marathon is in two weeks.
Had an epiphany this morning. I felt much anxiety yesterday trying to figure out how to accomplish all my training amidst my new responsibilities as a full-time care giver. My priority is the well being of my wife Liz and yet I'm finding it's my training that allows me to be fresh and energized in order to care for her. When I ran this morning I felt the stress and anxiety leave my body, it was replaced with a renewed sense of love, gratitude and care for my wife! Thank you Lord, Thank you.
Several have indicated support and encouragement regarding the blog...I appreciate the kind words.
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