Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Balancing Act

Solid weekend of training…
Saturday:  11 mile run, relaxed pace
Sunday: 2.5 hour bike followed by 4 mile run

Monday: 60 minute swim
Tuesday: 45 minute bike followed by 7 mile run
Wednesday: 90 minute bike
Thursday: 4 mile run followed by a 60 minute swim
Friday: 45 minute bike
Saturday: 3 mile run
Sunday: Lake Minnetonka half marathon followed by a 1 hour bike!

Triathlon requires vast amounts of time to train which often means sacrifices made by my family.  Together, we’re working through a few issues related to my training.  In order to keep my time away from the family to a minimum I regularly get up at 4:20 am…seemingly a good thing.  The negative result can be that by 9:00 pm I’m falling asleep in a chair rather than interacting with others.  Add to this, fatigue is apparently causing me to be on edge and short-tempered and, my schedule occasionally causes me to miss church or family gatherings.  Understandably so, it can get a little complicated...   

With so much focus and dedication being directed inward, I must be careful about losing perspective and placing an unhealthy emphasis on my athletic pursuit. I must remind myself that triathlon is a sport, a form of recreation, and a hobby.  Sure, participating in triathlon reaps significant benefits, but keeping a healthy balance of life along the way is essential to my overall success.

Thank you Liz, Will and Sarah for the sacrifice you make allowing me to train for this adventure!

Will and Sarah are in the process of raising mallard ducks for their 4H project.
1-dozen eggs went into the incubator yesterday!  I'll keep you posted.  

I trust that you are healthy and doing well...

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